For all Safeguarding emergencies, please call 07824482499 or one of the numbers below:
Hull & East Yorkshire MIND - 01482 240200 / 01482 240133
Mental Health Advice and Support Line - 0800 138 0990
CAMHS Crisis Line - 01482 301701 (option 2) or alternatively call 01482 259400
Hull Domestic Abuse Partnership - 01482 318759
Samaritans – 116 123
[TEXT] Shout to 852 58
Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention - 0800 068 4141
ADULT Hull and East Riding Mental Health Crisis - 0800 138 0990
All staff, students and apprentices at Hull College have a responsibility to promote and maintain the supportive, safe and respectful learning environment we have created here at Hull College.
We expect acceptable behaviour and conduct at all times. We want to be sure that all members of our college community have an enjoyable, safe and successful time while learning and working with us.
We do not tolerate any form of bullying, victimisation or harassment. Students or apprentices behaving in this way will be subject to the college’s behaviour and disciplinary policy and any other action deemed necessary to protect and support victims. We will also support perpetrators to ensure they understand the seriousness and consequences of their actions and, where possible, help them to change their behaviour.
We also expect our students and apprentices to behave as responsible citizens in their own communities, along with respecting the British Values of rule of law, democracy, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance.
If you have any concerns about bullying, harassment, victimisation or any other safeguarding concern, please report it to us using the form on this page.
Please note: It is really important that whilst anonymous reporting is your choice and will be respected, we are unable to respond to you and support you if you choose to do so. You can also ask to meet with the Hull College Lead and Deputy Lead Safeguarding Officer by popping into the Student Services Hub in the Chesters reception at Queen’s Gardens.
Report bullying, victimisation, sexual harassment, or any other safeguarding concern via the form below.
First Teaching Week (FE): Monday 9th September 2024
First Teaching Week (14-16): Monday 2nd September 2024 (Year 10) & Tuesday 3rd September 2024 (Year 11)
HE Semester 1: Monday 16th September 2024 - Friday 10th January 2025
Half Term: Monday 28th October 2024 - Friday 1st November 2024
End of FE Term 1 (Christmas): Thursday 19th December 2024
Christmas Closure Period for Students: Friday 20th December 2024 - Friday 3rd January 2025
First Teaching Week (FE & 14+ College): Monday 8th September 2025
HE Orientation Week: Monday 8 September 2025
HE Semester 1: Monday 15th September 2025 - Friday 9th January 2025
Half Term: Monday 27th October 2025 - Friday 31st October 2025
Student CPD Week: w/c Monday 1 November 2025
End of FE Term 1 (Christmas): Thursday 18th December 2025
Christmas Closure Period for Students: Monday 22nd December 2025 - Friday 2nd January 2026
Start of Term (FE/14-16): Monday 6th January 2025
HE Semester 2: Monday 27th January 2025 - Friday 23rd May 2025
February Half Term: Monday 17th February 2025 - Friday 21st February 2025
(Please note the college is closed to students on Monday, 24th February due to staff CPD )
Last Day of Term (Easter): Thursday 3rd April 2025
Easter Period for Students: Monday 7th April 2025 - Friday 18th April 2025
Start of Term: Monday 5th January 2026
HE Semester 2: Monday 26th January 2026 - Friday 23rd May 2026
February Half Term: Monday 16th February 2026 - Friday 20th February 2026
Student CPD Week: w/c Monday 2 March 2026
End of Term (FE/14+ College) (Easter): Thursday 26th March 2026
Easter Period for Students: Monday 30th March 2026 - Friday 10th April 2026
College is also closed on Monday April 2026 (Bank Holiday)
Start of Term (FE/14-16): Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Half Term: Monday 26th May 2025 - Friday 30th May 2025
End of Term (FE): Friday 4th July 2025
End of Term (14-16): Friday 11th July 2025
Start of Term: Monday 13th April 2026
Student CPD Week: w/c Monday 20th April 2026
Half Term: Monday 25th May 2026 - Friday 29th May 2026
End of Term (HE): Friday 12th June 2026
End of Term (FE): Friday 26th June 2026
End of Term (14+ College): Friday 10th July 2026
New Year's Day: Wednesday 1st January 2025
Easter (Good Friday): Friday 18th April 2025
Easter Monday: Monday 21st April 2025
Early May Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May 2025
Spring Bank Holiday: Monday 26th May 2025
August Bank Holiday: Monday 25th August 2025
A Level Results: Thursday 14th August 2025
GCSE Results: Thursday 21st August 2025
HE Graduation: Monday 21st October 2024
HE Boards: TBC
Everybody needs a little help sometimes and nothing should get in the way of reaching your potential. Students are central to everything we do here at Hull College. As well as our extensive range of courses and study options, we offer excellent support services to ensure your time with us is both a positive and productive experience.
If you need further information/details on the support services we offer, please email David Greenway (Interim Safeguarding Lead)
The Student Services Hub is located behind reception in the Chesters building. If at any point while at college, a student needs support, this is the area to visit. The Student Services Hub also has a quiet room for students to step out of college life, a 'Grab and Go' shop, to support students with food, clothing for interviews and sanitary products. The Wellbeing room can be found within the Hub, while many external agencies are also located here to offer advice and support. Our Safeguarding team is also available in this area.
Our aim is to support you on the journey to your dream job, and we have a team of fully qualified impartial careers advisors ready to meet your needs. All students at the college are entitled to high quality and independent 1:1 careers guidance to support them in acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes and attributes to manage their life, learning and work. Appointments with careers advisors can be made via the Student Services Hub.
The college has a specialist team of Learning Support Assistants (LSA’s) available to provide dedicated support to students who require it. It is essential that students who require additional support should notify the college of any learning difficulty or disability before starting any course.
Support is also available for any student who requires assistance with English, maths or language skills by specialist Learning Assistants (LA’s). Support can also be given via Study Hubs and the English and Maths Success Centre.
Financial support is available to students who face the greatest barriers to entering, continuing and succeeding in Further Education. For 16-18 year-olds, funds are provided by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to colleges and then distributed to those students whose effective participation in education and training may not be possible without the provision of appropriate levels of financial support.
If you are aged 16 to 19 and studying a full or part-time course you may be eligible to apply for a Student Maintenance Allowance. As part of the SMA bursary, you will also be eligible for free transport to and from college.
Students aged 16 to 18 who received free meals at school will be able to apply for a meal deal voucher to use on campus. If you are aged 19 to 25 and are subject to a Learning Difficulty Assessment (LDA) or Education Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan) and ESF students aged 16 to 18 are also entitled to a free meal depending on whether you meet the proposed criteria.
We provide a wide variety of play and learning opportunities for children under five years of age at the childcare centre at our Queen’s Gardens campus. For more information, please call our Childcare Centre Manager on 01482 598931.
Pet Therapy is a popular therapeutic approach that has long been accepted as a powerful aid in offering psychological, emotional, social and physical support for students. With this in mind, we are proud to introduce Angel, our new Learning Support Dog.
Angel is a Labrador Cross who was abandoned as a puppy before being rehomed with Zailie Barratt - Director of Learner & Customer Support Services at the college - when she was ten months old. Angel is now 15 and loves to enjoy life, long walks, occasional treats and, most of all, she likes to be stroked.
Angel’s dog breed is known for its mild temperament. She has been assessed by a canine specialist and, although there is never a guarantee that any dog will not bite, Angel has been assessed as being of mild temperament and suitable to come into college to aid the development of our students.
Angel will walk around the college site with a handler at all times and will aim to help calm, build confidence and bring enjoyment to our students who may be experiencing issues with anxiety for whatever reason.
Whether it is a drop-in session or a one-to-one appointment, Angel will be on hand to soak up the stresses of college and everyday life. Students can benefit educationally and emotionally, increase their understanding of responsibility and develop empathy and nurturing skills through contact with a suitable, calm dog.
Hull College and its grounds remain a no dogs site; however, special consideration is given to Angel and she will be clearly identifiable, wearing a ‘Service Dog’ vest and harness. The welfare of both Angel and our students are always at the forefront of our minds.
Need to talk? Free and confidential counselling services are available to all Hull College students who need to talk about mental health, stress or other issues affecting their emotional wellbeing.
We offer counselling and wellbeing support to all of our students whatever your back-ground or situation, whether you are on full, part-time or apprenticeship programmes.
The Counselling Service currently supports students by offering online and phone counselling, as well as face-to-face support.
If you would like to contact us, please email or text 07860 023367 and our Counselling Service will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
If you are a student at the college and wish to refer yourself to the service, please follow the link below and complete the referral form. We will then contact you to book an appointment: Counselling Service Referral Form
If you are in an emergency situation or there is an immediate threat to life, please call 999 for Police, Fire, Ambulance or Children and Families Services.
The college recognises that it has a legal and moral duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of our students. When you start with us, we want your time here to be an enjoyable, rewarding, fun, and safe experience. Safeguarding you is very important to us; we want you to feel safe and to be safe. You are our number one priority and we take your safety and well-being very seriously.
If for any reason you feel unsafe, because of something that is happening to you in college, or outside college then please speak to your tutor or student coach who will support and advise you. If for any reason your tutor or student coach is unavailable then you can speak to any member of staff or request to see the duty manager at any of our main campus reception desks or visit the Student Services Hub, which is located behind the reception in the Chesters building. You can also report a safeguarding concern via our 'Whisper' reporting section on our website. To do so, please click here.
When you enrol with us, you will be provided with information that tells you what to do if you are concerned about something or feel unsafe. This includes emergency contact details for a range of local services for when you are not in college, and feel unsafe. There is a Safeguarding Team, who are available to talk to if you have any concerns, are unhappy, or even if you are worried about the welfare of a friend or fellow student. You can talk to one of the team about such things as bullying, accommodation problems, abuse (in any of its forms), self-harm, drug or alcohol issues, domestic violence, or whatever may be a concern.
Hull College works collaboratively with the Local Authority to ensure appropriate arrangements for monitoring and supporting the progress of looked after children and care leavers in line with their age and development are in place, and as they progress through further and higher education. Our aim is to:
This collaboration with the Local Authority covers:
Working collaboratively with the Local Authority enables early identification through pathway planning and (e)Peps. Prior to enrolment the designated person for LAC meets with the Lac coordinators and social workers to identify any specific support needs and any potential barriers to learning. Information is then appropriately shared with the members of the curriculum area directly involved with supporting that student. We regularly facilitate Peps and E-Peps and our ultimate aim is to be a single point of access to promote continuity and a consistent support network.
Young people leaving care are entitled to the equivalent of Income Support Benefit (paid by the Local Authority). He/she will also receive a weekly enhancement. Costs of accommodation until the age of 18 is also paid by Through Care Teams where after housing benefit can be accessed.
For young people who are part way through their course when they reach 18 and where this is part of their Pathway Plan, an application can be made for them to continue to live with their foster carer/host. In some cases, where young people reach the age of 20 they may not be eligible for certain state benefits, but are still actively engaged in education – in such cases, further financial assistance can be offered to meet accommodation and living costs.
Once it is known that the young person has a place on a course then there must be a discussion between the young person, foster carer or social worker and the college as to what exactly is required and how this can be appropriately sourced. Young people who are leaving care face additional challenges when they start a course at a further educational college and they must not have the additional worry or start the course without the proper equipment. Social workers have access to funding to support LAC/Care Leavers with additional tutoring and learning resources, such as the purchase of laptops and other educational resources.
If you feel unsafe or threatened tell your tutor, visit the Student Services Hub to speak to a safeguarding officer, or talk to any member of staff.
Designated Senior Safeguarding Lead
David Greenway
Ext: 2038 | Mobile: 07538113395
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Alex Reveley
Ext: 3917
Designated Safeguarding Officer Hull College Childcare Centre
Sarah Turner
Childcare Centre Manager
Tel: (01482) 598931
Vice Principal for HR
Nicola Dimond
Tel: (01482) 329943
Safeguarding Governor
Aly Brooks
Tel: (01482) 598702
If for any reason you feel unsafe, because of something that is happening to you in college, or outside college then please speak to your tutor.
Hull (you can ring Reception on 01482 329943):
Monday - Thursday 8am - 6pm & Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm
Concerns about your personal safety
Police call 999 (emergency) or 101 (non-emergency)
Children and Families: EHaSH - Tel: 01482 448879 during normal office hours
Adults at Risk via Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub – Tel: 01482 616092
After 5pm Emergency Duty Team - Tel: 01482 300304 (out of normal office hours)
East Riding
Children and Families - Tel: 01482 395500
Adults at Risk - Tel: 01482 396940
After 5pm Emergency Duty Team - Tel: 01377 241273
Hull & East Riding Mental Health Crisis Team
0800 138 0990 (24-hour service)
Young people will be using the internet more during this challenging period to stay connected and in contact with family, friends and college staff. On-line safety and risks could well be heightened during this difficult period. Hull College is also using online approaches to deliver training and support. Staff will be aware of the signs and signals of cyberbullying, child sexual exploitation and other risks online and apply the same child-centred safeguarding practices as when learners are learning at the College. The College continues to ensure appropriate filters and monitors are in place via our IT Department.
It is extremely important that professional boundaries do not slip during this exceptional period. Please speak to your line manger if you have any concerns or questions.
With such different arrangements in place, young people could be at greater risk of on line abuse. We remind all staff to maintain the view that ‘it could happen here’ and to immediately report any concern, no matter how small, to their relevant Designated Safeguarding Officer. Learners accessing remote learning will continue to receive guidance on keeping safe online and know how to raise concerns with their tutor, Student Support Officer, Additional Learner Support Team Leader, or Youth Worker.
We recognise the potential for abuse to go on between young people, especially in the context of a college closure. All staff will remain vigilant to the signs of peer-on-peer abuse, including those between young people who are not currently attending our provision, and report any concern, no matter how small, to their relevant Designated Safeguarding Officer.
Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2021) continues to be the key statutory guidance, schools and college’s must follow, however understandably we have made additional safeguarding arrangements in regard to such exceptional circumstances.
The link to Keeping Children Safe in Education, Part 1 can be found below and contains relevant information about safeguarding risks all college staff need to be aware of whether in our outside college. Staff are advised to re-familiarise themselves with this guidance and seek guidance from a Designated Safeguarding Officer if they are unclear about anything.
Restrictions to movement and contact with other people may mean many learners are more likely to be at risk of mental health and emotional problems. Hull College has made learners, their families, and staff aware via our website of where further support, guidance and advice can be found in Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire. The link below is to our website where relevant local partner agencies can be found here.
You have a right to keep information about you private. You only have to tell people what you really want them to know.
You have a right to explore the internet but remember that you cannot trust everything that you see or read on the internet.
Remember not everyone is who they say they are on the internet. You have a right to tell someone if you think anyone is suspicious.
You have the right to not be videoed or photographed by anyone using cameras, web cams or mobile phones.
You have a right not to be bullied by others on the Internet and you have the right to report this to an adult if this happens.
We are all responsible for treating everyone on line with dignity and respect. You should not use behaviour or language that would be offensive or upsetting to somebody else.
The NCA's CEOP Command is here to help children and young people. We are here to help if you are a young person and you or your friend (up to age 18) has been forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity with anyone online, or in the real world. We also have advice and links to support for other online problems young people might face, such as cyberbullying and hacking.
Hull College is dedicated to promoting values which support our learners to develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility. Students are prepared for life in modern Britain by developing an understanding of:
How we can influence decision making through democratic processes such as the national electoral system, local elections or our own Students’ Union elections.
The rule of law, in its most basic form, is the principle that no one is above the law and that the law applies equally to us all, rulers and ruled alike. We are law abiding citizens and we are all accountable to the laws of our society.
We understand and exercise our human rights in a safe environment. Students are supported and encouraged to make informed choices about their future progression pathways.
We promote the importance of mutual respect through our shared ‘Acceptable Standards’ of behaviour and we actively promote diversity and accept that people have different faiths or beliefs.
We promote these values through our Acceptable Standards charter, which can be found throughout the college.
If you have any safeguarding concerns or worries in the first instance, please contact any of the following:
Alex Reveley (Extension 3917)
Head of 14-16 College
Trevor Spencer (Extension 3456)
Mentor Support
Tina Lynam (Extension 2173 or 07538113441)
Julie Grantham (07973901168)
Student Support Officer
Andrew McCartney (07944242280)
Student Support Officer
Carrie Leah (07904979160)
SEND Additional Support Team Leader
Suzannah Miller (07538113396)
HE Student Engagement Officer
Sadie Bainton (07944271172)
HE Student Engagement Officer
Hull College is committed to providing an environment that promotes equality for all and celebrates its diverse community.
Everyone is valued equally at Hull College. We do not treat anyone less favourably on the basis of sex, disability, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion/faith/belief, trans status, pregnancy/maternity or marriage/civil partnership status. These are the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010. Hull College expects all staff, learners, visitors and on-site contractors to do the same.
We expect and encourage our students and staff to work together to overcome barriers and all forms of discrimination and harassment. Through our shared college mission, vision and values, every individual is respected as of right and this should always be reflected in our language, behaviours and the actions we take.
The college is fully committed to the ongoing implementation of its Single Equality Scheme and to complying with all equality legislation, and aiming to achieve the following objectives:
That no unfair or unlawful discrimination will be applied in education, training or employment opportunities.
That the diverse nature of our college community will be reflected and celebrated at all levels within the college.
That the needs and interests of our diverse college community will be fairly represented within the curriculum offered by the college.
During induction, all students are provided with further information about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within the college and what you can do get involved and make a difference. We want to hear from you and about your ideas, so please get in touch so that we can all make a difference.
If you become aware of discriminatory or bullying behaviour or actions taking place, you are encouraged to report this by either contacting your course tutor or the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion coordinator. The matter will be taken seriously and will be investigated.
Copies of the college’s equality and associated policies and procedures e.g. Single Equality Scheme, Personal Harassment Code of Practice (staff), bullying and harassment procedure (staff), anti-bullying policy (students), student behaviour and disciplinary policy are available on the college’s intranet (Portal: staff / Canvas: students). These are also available in alternative formats upon request from the Marketing department.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of equality diversity and inclusion at Hull College please contact the following:
David Greenway
Ex 2038. Mob: 07538113395
A study programme is a personalised study programme designed to develop the all-round skills and qualities needed for university and employment. Personal development, employability skills, work experience, digital skills, industry specialised skills, support with next steps and future aspirations and English and maths at the appropriate level are all included within the study programme.
Courses range from entry-level through to Level 4 in many subjects and vocational areas, along with various other qualifications such as BTEC and NVQ.
Levels 2 and above generally require a pass in maths and English at grade 4 and above. However, don’t panic if this doesn’t happen because many subjects will have maths and English support and qualifications to do alongside.
Level 1 courses are a great way to start and test out many subject areas before making a commitment to a Level 2 course.
Young people can work and gain a qualification at the same time, usually studying one day per week in college alongside four days at work. A variety of levels can be achieved in an apprenticeship, some as far as HND and HNC.
Not all apprenticeships require maths and English at a grade 4, so don’t panic if your son/daughter doesn’t get the grades they hoped for.
Apprenticeship roles in the local area can be found at the following link:
There are a range of staff and agencies available at the College to support your son/daughter with their career decisions and next steps.
Connexions Careers Advice for 16-18 year olds
National Careers Careers Advice for 19+
Aspire iGEN Careers Advice for Goole Learners
Hull College learners will have the opportunity to engage with a number of employers and workplaces, including…
Attending College is very different for young people from when they were attending school. College is all about those next steps and preparing your son/daughter for adulthood and the world of work. Now is the time that they need to take ownership of their educational journey and their future aspirations. However, your support as parents/guardians is just as vital now as it was before.
So, what can you do to support your son/ daughter to be successful at college?
The College has its own internal counselling service that all learners are entitled to use while studying with us. Referrals can be made by staff or learners themselves via the following email address:
Sometimes learners just need that extra person to speak to outside of their timetabled hours. A mentor is a friendly face from a member of staff who is linked to a learner and is able to meet them to chat to regarding any other support needed, how they are feeling, how their course is going.
The College has a range of specialist Learning Support Assistants that can support those learners who have special educational needs and/or disability (SEND). This support can range from meeting at transport points, group or individual support in classrooms, support at break or lunch times or mentoring support. Support can also be discreet.
The College has a number of specialised learning advisors that can help support those learners with their maths and English skills. There are also extra study hubs so that learners can access to help improve their skills within maths and English.
Impartial careers advisors are available for those learners who need support with their next steps and future aspirations. There are a number of events planned to support learners with their employability skills and achieving their hopes and dreams.
There are times when support is needed to help your son/daughter to be able to financially attend college. This support can be a bursary payment paid into their bank account, travel support, financial support to pay for equipment that might be needed or support with lunches.
The College invites a number of external agencies in their well-being room to support learners with a range of issues, ranging from mental and sexual health to support with domestic violence and drug and alcohol issues.
Online safety is a running and interrelated theme for our students through a whole-college approach to safeguarding, including our safeguarding policy and guidance, and training for tutors and support staff to raise awareness and how to deal with online safety issues and concerns.
In college, our students are supported with online safety from the point of their induction through the tutorial programme, class discussions and projects, and themed events to raise awareness of the importance of online safety, how and where to raise concerns about their safety in college. We also deploy software to monitor and block inappropriate content and materials on our ICT systems.
We are here to support parents and carers with online safety advice and guidance. We recognise how important it is that children and young people are safeguarded from potentially harmful and inappropriate online material. The breadth and range of issues associated within online safety is considerable and always evolving, but can be categorised into four main areas of concern and risk listed below.
Being exposed to illegal, inappropriate, or harmful content, for example: pornography, fake news, racism, misogyny, self-harm, suicide, anti-Semitism, radicalisation, and extremism.
Being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users; for example: peer to peer pressure, commercial advertising and adults posing as children or young adults with the intention to groom or exploit them for sexual, criminal, financial or other purposes.
Online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm; for example, making, sending and receiving explicit images (e.g. consensual and non-consensual sharing of nude images and/or pornography, sharing other explicit images and online bullying,
Risks such as online gambling, inappropriate advertising, phishing and or financial scams
Below is a range of information, links and resources to help you support your child to stay safe online. These include online safety advice and guides for parents and carers such as online games, social media, and internet connected device, top tips, and resources for children with SEND, as well as support for grown-ups.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) - The internet, relationships and you
The Dark Web Explained - includes facts sheets and videos
The Proud Trust – Keeping safe online – LGBTQ
NSPCC – Guides, wellbeing, mental health, SEND
UK Safer Internet Centre
How To Stay Safe Online
Cyber Safety Tips For Adults
Online Safety For Grown Ups (Digital inclusion and online safety for adults)
Thirteen is an online resource for young people and parents, offering help and advice on a range of issues including mental health, emotional well-being, self-harm, bullying, exploitation and more. They offer help and signpost to further information
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the following…
David Greenway
Phone: 01482 598738 Mobile: 07538113395
Alex Reveley
Ext: 3917
Ally Brooks
Phone: 01482 598702
Your attendance and participation at Hull College are vital to your success. If you're unable to attend for any reason, it's important to let us know. This ensures your tutors are informed and allows the college to provide any necessary support during your absence.
Academic Success: Regular attendance is a key factor in your academic progress. Keeping us informed helps us support your learning journey.
Your Wellbeing Matters: We care about you. By informing us, we can offer the resources or assistance you may need during your absence.
Stay Informed: Ensure that you don’t miss out on important updates, class materials, or announcements.
Please click the link below to complete our brief form to notify us of your absence from college.