Equality & Diversity

Hull College is committed to providing an environment that promotes equality for all and celebrates its diverse community.

Everyone is valued equally at Hull College. We do not treat anyone less favourably on the basis of sex, disability, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion/faith/belief, trans status, pregnancy/maternity or marriage/civil partnership status. These are the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010. Hull College expects all staff, learners, visitors and on-site contractors to do the same.

We expect and encourage our students and staff to work together to overcome barriers and all forms of discrimination and harassment. Through our shared college mission, vision and values, every individual is respected as of right and this should always be reflected in our language, behaviours and the actions we take.

The College is fully committed to the ongoing implementation of its Single Equality Scheme and to complying with all equality legislation, aiming to achieve the following objectives:

That no unfair or unlawful discrimination will be applied in education, training or employment opportunities.

That the diverse nature of our College community will be reflected and celebrated at all levels within the College.

That the needs and interests of our diverse College community will be fairly represented within the curriculum offered by the College.

During induction, all staff and students are provided with further information about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within the college and what you can do get involved and make a difference. We want to hear from you and about your ideas, so please get in touch so that we can all make a difference.

If you become aware of discriminatory or bullying behaviour or actions taking place, you are encouraged to report this by either contacting your course tutor or calling in the Student Services Hub (located behind Main Reception in Chesters Building). Alternatively, you can report any concern anonymously via our Whisper Reporting form online here. All matters will be taken seriously and will be investigated.

Copies of the college’s equality and associated policies and procedures e.g. Single Equality Scheme, Personal Harassment Code of Practice (staff), bullying and harassment procedure (staff), anti-bullying policy (students), student behaviour and disciplinary policy are available on the college’s intranet (Portal: staff / Canvas: students). These are also available in alternative formats upon request from the Marketing department.

The latest Equality and Diversity Report, the Single Equality Scheme and the Single Equality Scheme Action & Improvement Plan, which incorporates specific equality objectives, can be downloaded below.

Hull College is required to publish annual Gender Pay Gap reports to the government's Gender Pay Gap Service website. You can download these reports here.