Hull College has a team of trained designated safeguarding officers (DSCs) who will respond to any safeguarding concern and provide ongoing support to students, working closely with parents, carers, and partner agencies.
Click here to download a contact list for the Safeguarding team at the college
Designated Safeguarding Lead
David Greenway – – Tel: 01482 598738 Mobile: 07538113395
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Andrew McCartney – – Tel: 01482 598922 (EXT 2922) Mobile: 07944 242280
For all Safeguarding emergencies, please call 07824482499.
Monday 8.30am - 6pm
Tuesday 8.30am - 9pm
Wednesday 8.30am - 6pm
Thursday 8.30am - 9pm
Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm
Normal safeguarding referrals apply to children’s social care in Hull and East Riding which are via the Early Help and Safeguarding Hubs (EHaSH). Contact and referral will go through the Designated Safeguarding Officer with support from the Designated and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (contacts above). Emergency out of hours guidance and support for Hull and East Riding are as follows:
Children & Families. EHaSH 01482 448 879 during normal office hours
Adults at Risk via Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub Tel 01482 616092
After 5pm Emergency Duty Team on 01482 300 304 out of normal office hours
East Riding
Children & Families. Via EHaSH 01482 395500
Adults at Risk Telephone: (01482) 396940
After 5pm, call the Emergency Duty Team on 01377 241273
Should a child, young person, or adult be at risk of immediate significant harm, the college will immediately contact the police on 999 for advice to safeguard and protect a vulnerable learner. This is in line with local safeguarding protocols in Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire.
The safety of the individual concerned and of those around them is always paramount. Where there are clear indications that a student is in imminent and serious danger the emergency services should be contacted.
Police Tel: 999
Ambulance Tel: 999
The following are key sources for external support:
Hull Children and Adult Social Care - After 5pm Emergency Duty Team on 01482 300 304
East Riding Children and Adult Social Care - After 5pm Emergency Duty Team on 01377 241273
Mental health Support - Hull & East Riding
Hull & East Riding - Crisis Intervention Team 0800 138 0990 (for adults)
Hull & East Riding - Camhs Crisis & intensive Home Treatment Team (Hull) 01482 259400 (children)
Domestic Abuse Support
In an emergency always call 999
Hull Women's Aid 0800 048 9944 (24-hour helpline)
Preston Road Women's Centre 01482 790310
Homeless Crisis
In cases of domestic abuse - see domestic abuse above
A young person unable or unwilling to return home - see Children and Adult social care above
Adults: Hull City Council Housing Services Team out of hours after 5.30pm tel. 01482 393939
Allegations or concerns about staff working with children and young people
The statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children states any concerns about the behaviour or conduct of staff towards learners should be reported immediately to: Nicola Dimond (Vice Principal Human Resources) via email at
Hull College has confirmed the arrangements to contact the LADO at the Hull Local Authority remain unchanged:, East Riding of Yorkshire email:
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2023) continues to be the key statutory guidance, schools and college’s must follow.
The link to Keeping Children Safe in Education (Part 1) can be found below and contains relevant information about safeguarding risks all college staff need to be aware of whether in our outside college. Staff are advised to re-familiarise themselves with this guidance and seek guidance from a Designated Safeguarding Officer if they are unclear about anything.
The college recognises that it has a legal and moral duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of our students. When you start with us we want your time here to be an enjoyable, rewarding, fun, and safe experience. Safeguarding you is very important to us; we want you to feel safe and to be safe. You are our number one priority and we take your safety and well-being very seriously.
Safeguarding is a crucial responsibility at Hull College, as ensuring the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority. Here's a paragraph explaining why safeguarding is so important to us, along with key bullet points to emphasise the significance of our students' safety and welfare.
Safeguarding is of paramount importance at Hull College because we recognise that our students' overall development and success heavily rely on your sense of security and well-being. We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. By prioritising safeguarding, we ensure that our students are protected from harm, abuse, and neglect, enabling you to focus onyour studies and personal growth, and to have fun.
By emphasising these key aspects, we reinforce our dedication to safeguarding and highlight the integral role it plays in shaping our students' overall educational experience and personal growth.
If for any reason you feel unsafe, because of something that is happening to you in college, or outside college then please speak to your tutor who will support and advise you. If for any reason your tutor is unavailable, you can speak to any member of staff or ask for the Emergency Duty Safeguarding Officer at the main Chesters reception area.
When you enrol with us you will be provided with information that tells you what to do if you are concerned about something or feel unsafe. This includes emergency contact details for a range of local services for when you are not in college, and feel unsafe. There is a Safeguarding Team, who are available to talk to if students have any concerns, are unhappy, or even if they are worried about the welfare of a friend or fellow student. Students can talk to one of the team about such things as bullying, accommodation problems, abuse (in any of its forms), self-harm, drug or alcohol issues, domestic violence, or whatever may be a concern.
Children Looked After and Care Leavers
Hull College works collaboratively with the Local Authority Virtual Schools to ensure appropriate arrangements for monitoring and supporting the progress of children looked after and care leavers, and as they progress through further and higher education. Our aim is to:
Working collaboratively with Local Authority Virtual Schools enables early identification through Pathway planning and ePEPS. Prior to enrolment the designated person for children looked after meets with Local Authority coordinators and social workers to identify any support needs and any potential barriers to learning. Information is then appropriately shared with curriculum areas who are directly involved with supporting students who are looked after. We regularly facilitate PEP meetings and our ultimate aim is to be a single point of access to promote continuity and a consistent approach to support.
If you feel unsafe or threatened, tell your tutor, student coach or another member of staff.
If for any reason you feel unsafe , because of something that is happening to you in college, or outside college then please speak to your tutor as soon as possible or pop into the Student Services Hub in Chesters reception to speak directly to a Designated Safeguarding Officer who will listen and provide support.
For all safeguarding emergencies please call 07824 482499
Monday 8.30-6pm
Tuesday 8.30-9pm
Wednesday 8.30-6pm
Thursday 8,30-9pm
Friday 8.30-4.30pm
Contact for the emergency duty safeguarding officer can also be made at the main Chesters reception area who will be happy to help.
If you are in immediate danger always contact the following
· Police– Tel: 999
· Ambulance– Tel: 999
Social Care
The following are key sources for external support.
· Hull Children and Adult SocialCare. After 5pm Emergency Duty Team on 01482 300 304
· EastRiding Children and Adult Social Care. After 5pm Emergency Duty Team on 01377 241273
Mental Health Support - Hull & East Riding
· Hull& East Riding – Crisis Intervention Team 0800 138 0990 (for adults)
· Hull& East Riding - Camhs Crisis & Intensive Home Treatment Team (Hull)01482 259400 (children)
Domestic Abuse Support
In an emergency always call 999
Hull Women’s Aid – 0800 048 9944 (24hr helpline)
Preston Road Women’s Centre – 01482 790310
Homeless Crisis
In cases of domestic abuse – see Domestic Abuse above
A young person unable or unwilling to return home – seeChildren and Adult Social Care above
Adults: Hull City Council Housing Services Teamout of hours after 5.30pm tel 01482 393939
e-Safety - Safety Guidance for Online Learning
The NCA's CEOP Command is here to help children and young people. We are here to help if you are a young person and you or your friend (up to age 18) has been forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity with anyone online, or in the real world. We also have advice and links to support for other online problems young people might face, such as cyberbullying and hacking.
British Values
Hull College is dedicated to promoting values which support our learners to develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility.
Learners are prepared for life in modern Britain by developing an understanding of:
How we can influence decision making through democratic processes such as the national electoral system, local elections or our own Students’ Union elections.
The Rule of Law
The rule of law, in its most basic form, is the principle that no one is above the law and that the law applies equally to us all, rulers and ruled alike. We are law abiding citizens and we are all accountable to the laws of our society.
Individual Liberty
We understand and exercise our human rights in a safe environment. Students are supported and encouraged to make informed choices about their future progression pathways.
Mutual Respect and Acceptance
We promote the importance of mutual respect through our shared ‘Acceptable Standards’ of behaviour and we actively promote diversity and accept that people have different faiths or beliefs.
If you have any safeguarding concerns or worries in the first instance please contact any of the following:
Designated Senior Safeguarding Lead
David Greenway.
Ex 2038. Mobile: 07538113395
Deputy Designated Senior Safeguarding Lead
Alex Reveley.
Ex 3917
Head of 14-16 College
Elizabeth Hammond -
Safeguarding and Wellbeing Officer
14-16 College
Trevor Spencer.
01482 313456. Ex 3456 Mob:07947678663
Mentor Support
Sarah Turner – 01482 598931 Ex. 2931
Centre Manager
Laura Wilkinson –01482 223646 Ex. 2940
Deputy Manager
Andrew McCartney. Mobile: 07944242280
Attendance & Intervention Officer
Kate Blamires – Mob: 07947721924 Ex. 2232
SEND Team Leader
Kerry Holden-Anderson - 01482 598736. Ex 2101
Senior College Counsellor
Leanne Parker – Mob: 07538113418 Ex. 1052
SEND Team Leader
Carrie Leah. Mob Mob: 07538113394 Ex. 2107
SEND Team Leader
Tina Lynam. Ex 2173. Mobile: 07538 113441
Head of Institute for Adult Provision
Hull Safeguarding Children’s Partnership website provides information for everyone, including professionals, volunteers, children and young people and their families, to ensure that children are safe.
Click the link below to find information on hate crime and how to report it.
Caring for adults with care &
support needs in our community