Senior Leadership Team

The Senior Leadership Team at Hull College is comprised of:

Debra Gray

Principal & CEO

Lynette Leith

Vice Principal Curriculum

Ranjit Singh

Vice Principal Quality & Learner Experience

Gino Tommasi

Vice Principal of Finance and Corporate Services

Nicola Dimond

Vice Principal of HR


The Corporation consists of governors including staff and student governors from a wide variety of backgrounds and their experience and strategic skills make a vital contribution to the continuing development of the College.

External Governance Review

As detailed in the DfE’s External Governance Reviews: Guide for FE College Corporations and Designated Institutions, it is a requirement that all Further Education Corporations undertake an External Governance Review every 3 years. The External Board Review (EBR) for Hull College, conducted between December 2023 and May 2024, evaluated the Board's effectiveness across three core dimensions: Composition, Structure, and Interaction. The review found that Hull College's governance is robust, with significant strengths in leadership quality and business acumen. However, the Board needs to focus on enhancing ethnic diversity and student engagement to ensure it fully represents and serves the community. Key recommendations include recruiting a student governor, improving the diversity of the Board ,and enhancing the scrutiny of risk management practices. The overall conclusion is that Hull College’s Board is highly effective, making a consistently positive impact on the College's strategic goals and outcomes.

How to Become a Governor at Hull College

Are you interested in shaping the strategy and character of your local Further Education college? Here at Hull College, we are always interested in hearing from members of the community who wish to serve on our Board of Governors.

A Governor is a voluntary, unpaid role but there are many rewards that come with it - the opportunity to gain Board level experience, to share your expertise and perspective in a meaningful and rewarding environment and to develop new skills that will benefit your own career.

We welcome all applications but are currently particularly interested in individuals with experience or knowledge in Engineering, working with young people (including SEND) and LGBT+ Communities.

Applications are open now and close on Friday 19th May - if you would like more information about the role or apply, click here to download an application form or get in touch with our Director of Governance, Catherine Sykes, via e-mail 

Click here to download a Role Description

Rob Lawson

Governor & Chair of Corporation

Catherine Sykes

Director of Governance

Joey Greenwood

Governor, Vice Chair of Corporation and Chair of Standards Committee

Debra Gray

Principal & CEO/Ex-Officio

Ally Brooks

Governor, Vice Chair of Corporation

Joanne Gibbons


Joanne Masterson

Safeguarding Link Governor

Matt Child


Professor Colin Raban

Governor & Chair of HE Advisory Committee

David Flatters

Governor and Chair of Finance & Resources Committee

Dr Barbara Howell


Nick Snaith


Paula Gouldthorpe


John Cook


Matthew Blowman

Staff Governor (Support)

Tina Lynam

Staff Governor (Academic)

Rebecca Garland


Lauren Dale


Statements & Policies

The Corporation, or Governing Body, is responsible for the mission and strategic direction of the College, determines policy and monitors the performance of the College.

Instrument & Articles of Government

The Corporation’s Legal Constitution is set out in the Instrument and Articles of Government document.

Standing Orders

The Standing orders describe the way in which Corporation business is conducted.

Policies & Code of Conduct

The key policies governing Governor’s meetings and decision making can be found below, as well as their Code of Conduct and requirement to make relevant declarations of interest. The College’s Governors conduct themselves in accordance with best corporate governance standards and the Nolan Principles of Public Life.

Reports and Financial Statements

The Corporation's Report and Financial Statements for the last three years can be found below.

Meeting Calendar & Business Cycle

Meeting Calendar

The Corporation and its Committees meet regularly throughout the academic year as set out in the Calendar below.

Work Cycle

The work of the Corporation and its Committees is planned prior to the start of each academic year as set out in the Work Cycle below.

Have a question?

If you have any queries or questions relating to the articles or policies in this section you can get in touch with us using the button below.

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