Royal Marines Commandos Put UPS Students Through Their Paces


5:22 pm

Level 2 and 3 Uniformed Protective Services students were put through their paces by Royal Marines Commandos at the Steve Prescott Centre this week.

Students took part in a wide variety of training, tasks and challenges, including physical challenges, fitness work and team-building exercises, during the visit and thoroughly enjoyed the experience - with three participants even enquiring about the recruitment process and asking for information on how to get started.

Reflecting on the day, Uniformed Protective Services Tutors Lou Davison and Beth Shipley said: “Having the Royal Marines at college was a fantastic way for our students to get a better understanding of what the job is all about and some of the skills you could learn through it.

“It’s hard for the students to imagine just how tough the training is until they are actually put through their paces by the marines themselves.

“Some of the students are hoping to pursue a military career so it is important they start to experience the physical demands they can expect in their futures.

“It was great to see all our students get stuck in and enjoy the experience. We're already looking forward to welcoming the Royal Marines Commandos back to college in the New Year.”

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